Available domains and prices in respective hosting plans:
Super Plan -
New domain registration Free: .com, .eu, .net, .es, .name, .org, .biz, .info, .co.uk (min. 2 years), .org.uk (min. 2 years), .us (min. 2 years). Domains .cc, .tv, .fm are also available but are not free and their prices are negotiated individually.
Domain renewal: Free: .com, .eu, .net, .es, .name, .org, .biz, .info, .co.uk, .org.uk, .us
Domain redirect: .com, .eu, .net, .es, .name, .org, .biz, .info, .co.uk, .org.uk, .us - 17$. Domains .cc, .tv, .fm prices are negotiated individually. First Plan, Offshore Plan, Advanced Offshore Plan -
New domain registration: .com [26$], .net [26$], .org [29$], .eu [23$], .info [26$], .biz [29$], .pl [11$], .com.pl [8$], IDN - .pl [11$]
Domain renewal: .com [26$], .net [26$], .org [29$], .eu [26$], .info [26$], .biz [29$], .pl [35$], .com.pl [32$], IDN - .pl [35$]
Domain redirect: Free (all domains)
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